The poet Rumi, also known as the Maulana, provided the world with timelessly inspiring images and words of hope, peace and tolerance. Many of his poems reference trees, gardens and flowers. ARCH International envisions a worldwide collection of Rumi Gardens, which we believe can be anywhere: in a quiet meditative corner of a college campus, in a hospital garden to encourage recovery, as a guerrilla garden in a run-down urban landscape, and even on the blast walls of embattled cities. Help us plant, paint, and imagine gardens wherever people need a moment of beauty and peace.
ARCH’s first Rumi Gardens are in Afghanistan, where the poet was born. Rumi Gardens are an irreplaceable part of traditional Afghanistan culture. Our Kabul Campus garden, incorporating rock elements from the country’s trademark stone lapis lazuli as well as murals of flowers and words that “bloom” all year around in paint and mosaic, will be a peaceful retreat with educational features. Cost: TBA.
Meanwhile the second installation will bring moments of reflection to the volatile, dusty streets of Kabul, through Rumi poems and flowers spray-painted on blast walls in the city. For this we are collaborating with the amazing street artists of Kabul, ArtLords This project will include the creation of spraypaint templates that can be used by other groups in other cities. Cost for material and labor: $3,600